============ Contributing ============ Contribute to KloudBuster ------------------------- Below are a simplified version of the workflow to work on KloudBuster. For complete instructions, you have to follow the Developer's Guide in OpenStack official documents. Refer to :ref:`below section ` for links. Start working ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before starting, a GitHub/OpenStack respository based installation must be done. Refer :ref:`here ` for detailed documentation. 1. From the root of your workspace, check out a new branch to work on:: $ git checkout -b 2. Happy working on your code for features or bugfixes; Before Commit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are some criteria that are enforced to commit to KloudBuster. Below commands will perform the check and make sure your code complys with it. 3. PEP 8:: $ tox -epep8 .. note:: The first run usually takes longer, as tox will create a new virtual environment and download all dependencies. Once that is the done, further run will be very fast. 4. Run the test suite:: $ tox -epython27 5. If you made a documentation change (i.e. changes to .rst files), make sure the documentation is built as you expected:: $ cd /doc $ make html Once finished, the documentation in HTML format will be ready at /doc/build/html. Submit Review ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6. Commit the code:: $ git commit -a .. note:: For a feature commit, please supply a clear commit message indicating what the feature is; for a bugfix commit, please also containing a launchpad link to the bug you are working on. 7. Submit the review:: $ git review The members in the KloudBuster team will get notified once the Jenkin verification is passed. So watch your email from the review site, as it will contain the updates for your submission. 8. If the code is approved with a +2 review, Gerrit will automatically merge your code. File Bugs --------- Bugs should be filed on Launchpad, not GitHub: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kloudbuster Build the KloudBuster Docker Image ---------------------------------- Two files are used to build the Docker image: *Dockerfile* and *.dockerignore*. The former provides all the build instructions while the latter provides the list of files/directories that should not be copied to the Docker image. In order to make the Docker image clean, remove all auto generated files from the root of your workspace first. Specify the image name and the tag, and feed them to docker build. Examples to build the image with name "berrypatch/kloudbuster", tag "6.0.4":: $ cd $ sudo docker build --tag=berrypatch/kloudbuster:6.0.4 . The images should be available for use:: $ sudo docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE berrypatch/kloudbuster 6.0.4 0f17ae788c69 8 minutes ago 443.1 MB To push the new image to the KloudBuster Docker Hub repository (berrypatch), you need to login to Docker Hub (sudo docker login) and you need to have write access to the berrypatch/kloudbuster repository before you can push the new container:: sudo docker login sudo docker push berrypatch/kloudbuster:6.0.4 It is also good practice to build and override the latest tag:: sudo docker build --tag=berrypatch/kloudbuster:latest . sudo docker push berrypatch/kloudbuster:latest .. _developer_guide_of_openstack: Developer's Guide of OpenStack ------------------------------ Feedbacks and contributions to KloudBuster are welcome. KloudBuster follows the same workflow as any other OpenStack project. If you would like to contribute to the development of OpenStack, you must follow the steps in this page: ``_ If you already have a good understanding of how the system works and your OpenStack accounts are set up, you can skip to the development workflow section of this documentation to learn how changes to OpenStack should be submitted for review via the Gerrit tool: ``_ Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored.